Dear Supportive Family & Friends:
If you’re a victim of narcissistic abuse and find yourself on the battlefield of the family court system, feel free to share this open letter with your support team (or create your own).
Narcissistic Abuse Taught Me What Love Is NOT
When you’re struggling to find something to be grateful for, consider this simple lesson.
Many of us can relate to the ups and downs in a romantic relationship with a narcissist.
The deliberate though subtle hits to our self-esteem followed by beautiful words on a card and a bouquet of flowers.
The scathing silent treatment for no obvious reason followed by affection that invites us into a whirlwind of romance.
The sharp, shocking confusion of verbal or physical violence, followed by “vulnerable” admissions of a traumatic past and needing us to help them heal because we are the only ones who “really understand them”.
“I’m Not Just Fighting One Narcissist - I’m Up Against The Entire Family”
This common scenario can be terrifying. But you’re not alone.
For years, I lived in terror, trying to protect my daughters from Jason Porter and the rest of my X’s family.
There were days when I felt entirely defeated - sure that my X mother-in-law’s tireless work to spit-shine the family name would prevail over my endless work to protect my daughters.
The Tango of the Family Court System
Let’s discuss the phrase “it takes two to tango” in the context of a high conflict divorce.
Too often, I hear of victim-survivors on the battlefield hearing some variation of the blaming/shaming phrase, “It takes two to tango” - meaning that the high conflict divorce or custody battle is the shared responsibility of both parties. That two conflictual people are perpetuating the cycle of contention and conflict and that if one simply decided to calm down and be reasonable, the divorce or custody battle could be resolved.
Solidarity with Rachel
Colorado advocates and protective parents join state lawmakers, national organizations, and affected individuals to call for justice in this case and an end to family court judges refusing to follow laws that protect vulnerable children and victims of domestic violence.
Processing Difficult Emotions in a High Conflict Custody Battle
You’ll likely experience intense emotions on the battlefield. Learn how to work with them so that you can show up in a healthy way for your children.
My Narcissistic Ex Controlled Our Finances
If you’re like many survivors of narcissistic abuse, the narcissist manipulated their way into taking charge of the money during your relationship, and now you’re dealing with the many consequences.
Survivors in our community often deal with the ongoing financial abuse, emotional, and legal consequences of their controlling ex-partner’s financial decisions.
Dealing With Loneliness During Your High Conflict Divorce
If you’ve recently made the courageous decision to separate, many of the narcissist’s day-to-day patterns of abuse, drama, and conflict that kept you mentally and physically occupied have changed, as the narcissist is no longer in constant, physical close proximity to you.
It’s perfectly normal to feel like something is missing, or to feel a deep, aching loneliness. Many survivors note that it isn’t the relationship or the narcissist that they miss - but still, the loneliness persists.
Utah Courts and the Reunification Industry
There is a hearing tomorrow in Utah: a motion to recuse GAL Celia Ockey. Ockey has allegedly ignored the children's pleas and informed them that she will be representing what she thinks they would want if they had “mature reasoning.”
My Narcissistic Ex Doesn’t Tend Our Child’s Basic Needs: What Do I Do?
Does your children come home with tangled hair, unbrushed teeth, and untended cuts or scrapes? Sadly, you’re not alone. In the OMB community, many protective parents find themselves at a loss, stuck between taking action or staying silent. One mother explained the dilemma succinctly: “The more I try to get their father to care for our child, the more neglectful and abusive he becomes. He is trying to hurt me by hurting our child.”
Federal Lawsuit against Illinois Family Court
A federal lawsuit has been filed on behalf of Gwen and Grace Girard which names the defendants as Village of Glencoe, Illinois, Detective Ryan McEnerney, Maria Paredes, Vanessa Hammer, Hammer Serna & Quinn LLC, Gwenn Waldman, Breanna Traub, Phyllis Amabile, MD, Beerman LLP, John M. D'Arco, James M. Quigley, Enrico J. Mirabelli, Judge William S. Boyd, Judge Renee G. Goldfarb and Kathryn Ciesla.
My Narcissistic Ex In-Laws Are Breaking My Heart
Many survivors grieve the relationship with their ex in-laws because, just like the relationship with the narcissist, it was beautiful and loving for a time. In hindsight, we know it was never really love.
Alison Chao Court Watch
Alison Chao is not being heard in the family court system so we must amplify her voice.
My Ex Keeps Introducing Our Children to New Partners
My Narcissistic Ex Keeps Introducing Our Children to New Partners
Learn how to navigate the uncomfortable and sometimes downright scary dynamic when your ex brings new partners around your children.
My Ex Tells My Kids I’m Keeping Them From Him, What Should I Do?
My Ex Tells My Kids I’m Keeping Them From Him, What Should I Do?
Learn how to strategically battle the narcissist’s attempts to discredit and undermine
When The Narcissist Misses Visitation With Your Kids
When The Narcissist Misses Visitation With Your Kids
What do you do when your narcissist cancels last-minute or simply doesn’t show up for his (or her) parenting time
Disappointment. Frustration. Self-blame. Sadness.
When your ex cancels or misses last-minute, it’s a good idea to have some tools in your arsenal, to be able to meet your children where they’re at, and help them cope with the difficult emotions they may experience.
Summer Sadness: When Your Kids Are With the Other Parent
Summer Sadness: When Your Kids Are With the Other Parent
Summertime is notoriously difficult for protective parents.
I can still remember the hollow, aching, fearful anxiety in my stomach when I’d hand the girls over to Seth. I am grateful that we did not have extended periods of time without contact like many of you are facing, but any deviation from the normal schedule is difficult.
What Do Narcissists Actually Want?
A quick Google search will take you down rabbit holes and show you how narcissists want to be viewed by others or what patterns you may be able to predict if you are dealing with a narcissistic individual. But here at OMB, we know from experience what narcissistic, high conflict individuals truly crave.
Decoding the “Narcissist Smirk”
If you’re preparing for mediation or court with a narcissistic individual, it’s important to be ready for the infamous “Narcissist Smirk.” What does it mean and how can you respond in a strategic way?
My Ex Keeps Accusing Me of “Parental Alienation”: What Do I Do?!
If you’ve been accused of “Parental Alienation,” know that you are NOT alone. Parental alienation accusations are not only predictable, they are one of the most common legal tactics employed by narcissists during child custody battles.