Divorce Resources
Here in the OMB Resources, you will find books, helpful forms, websites, case law and a wide variety of articles.
Educating yourself on Narcissism or divorcing a narcissist is the single most important thing that you can do. Knowledge is power and you need to stay two steps ahead at all times. Predicting the patterns and attacks should be your first line of defense. By predicting what is coming next, you are able to remove the “shock value” from the narcissistic attack.
With this said, an EQUALLY important reminder is to listen to your intuition. Feeling overwhelmed by the knowledge you are soaking up? This is your sign to slow down and pace yourself. Consider scheduling blocks of time to research — maybe your maximum is three hours per week? There is a fine line between consuming educational material and BEING consumed by educational material. Pace yourself.
Recommended Reading:
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Web Resources:
The Lemonade Club – Tina Swithin’s private, online forum
Helpful Articles:
Help! I am Divorcing a Narcissist by Karyl McBride, Ph.D of Psychology Today
The Narcissistic Family Portrait by Karyl McBride, Ph.D of Psychology Today
Family Court and Cluster B Personality Disorders by Tina Swithin of The Huffington Post
Setting Boundaries with the Narcissist by Tina Swithin of The Huffington Post
Divorce: To Blog or Not to Blog by Tina Swithin of The Huffington Post
Why Forgiveness is Overrated by Tina Swithin of The Huffington Post
How to Survive a Divorce Financially by Bedrock Divorce Advisors, LLC.
Research for Download:
Denial of Family Violence in Court: An Empirical Analysis and Path Forward For Family Law by Professor Joan Meier.
Under the Microscope: The Admissibility of Parental Alienation Syndrome by Kimberly J. Joyce
Scientific and Professional Rejections of Parental Alienation Syndrome by DV Leap
Mapping Gender: Shedding Empirical Light on Family Courts’ Treatment of Cases Involving Abuse and Alienation* by Joan Meier
Confronting the Challenge of the High-Conflict Personality in Family Court by Santa Clara University
Pathological Narcissism and Psychosocial Functioning by American Psychological Association
I'll See You in Court…Again: Psychopathology and Hyperlitigious Litigants by C. Adam Coffey, Stanley L. Brodsky and David M. Sams
"Legal Abuse and Mental Health: The Role of Judicial Betrayal" by Ellen R. Gutowski and Lisa A. Goodman
Domestic Violence Resources:
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