What is Post Separation Abuse?
Copyright 2021: One Mom’s Battle (share openly - with credit given)
For many, it is worse than the abuse (domestic violence) suffered during the relationship or marriage.
Domestic violence is about power and control. That deep-seated need for power and control does not mysteriously vanish when the relationship ends.
During the relationship, the victim often feels better equipped to protect the children. After the relationship ends, and the victim enters the family court system, their natural instincts to protect their children are harnessed. The domestic violence victim is actually penalized for attempting to protect their young and often, accused of “alienation.” Protection is NOT alienation.
While domestic violence often takes place behind closed doors, post separation abuse takes place in a new venue: the family court system. Receiving a family court case number often means that the victim (the safe parent) is also assigned their own personal terrorist.
The victim is now subject to counter parenting, alienation allegations, coercive control, isolation, harassment and stalking, legal abuse, and financial abuse. The unhealthy parent engages in neglectful and/or abusive parenting to spite the safe parent.
All of these things (and more) are allowed to continue by family court professions and a court system that gives more weight to parental rights over child safety.
This is the new “me too” movement - this is #metoofamilycourt.
Standing in solidarity with Custody Peace and all of you, we have made a commitment to shining a spotlight in the darkness because, darkness cannot exist when light is present.
Will you stand with us? Will you help us educate others on post separation abuse and what is happening in family courts all over the United States of America (and all over the world)?
We need to prioritize child safety.
We ask you to say, #MeTooFamilyCourt so that our message can be amplified.
To learn more, go to: https://www.onemomsbattle.com/post-separation-abuse
#DomesticViolence #PostSeparationAbuse #FamilyCourtAwarenessMonth