Judge Jeffrey Moskowitz

HELLO MAINE - it’s time to step up, and get loud (quickly).

Honorable Judge Jeffrey Moskowitz is up for reappointment on September 14.

His unethical behavior has been a topic of discussion for years and in an article from 2015 titled, Panel Postpones Vote on District Court Judge's Reappointment, states:

Moskowitz's not-so-minor mistake made headlines in January when he was forced to apologize to journalists in his courtroom after he ordered them not to report on statements made against a Standish lawyer facing domestic violence charges. During those proceedings, damaging testimony was offered against the lawyer and Moskowitz ordered journalists in his courtroom not to report it.

The gag order was ignored and the stories were published, triggering a backlash against Moskowtiz by First Amendment and government transparency advocates. Moskowitz later apologized to the reporters, and pointed out to the Judiciary Committee reviewing his reappointment that he did try to correct the mistake.

"It was an order that I issued at the end of a very long day and it was a clear error," Moskowitz said. "Fortunately I had the opportunity on my own to correct that error very shortly after it was made and before any significant harm was done, and I've sincerely regretted making that mistake."

And then, there are the accounts from mothers:

“If I hadn’t lived it, I wouldn’t believe this could be possible in America. How can a judge enjoy zero oversight and accountability? How can a judge make up the law as he goes along? How can a judge ignore evidence? How can a judge write judgments that have nothing to do with what occurred in his courtroom?

How can a judge take children from good, law-abiding parents, mostly, but not all, mothers, and give those children into the sole custody of men who have long records of domestic violence and sexual assault on the children, mother and others?” -Medium: Judge Moskowitz & Mila in Maine

A Facebook group, Mainers against Moskowitz,

• Rules with an iron fist with seemingly little to no regard for the law

• Seems to have a general disdain for women and children

• Has been known to ruthlessly tear apart lives and families

• Tries people he condemns as “guilty” and then denies them their due process

• Appears to lack sympathy and empathy for those he rules over

• Has silenced or gagged those who disagree with him or his position

• Was elevated to a position of power despite a public outcry- a position that many believe he is not qualified to fill

• Has been described as cruel and heartless and is known to dole out punitive consequences to those who dare to speak against him

• Has used fear and intimidation to get people to surrender and leave his domain

• Seems to be driven by ego and power

• Has shown favor to rapists and abusers

• Is protected by the same people who claim to represent the people and public interest

His reviews in the Robing Room are scathing.

He sits on the case of Sarah, a mother who fled with her children to protect them - he has prohibited contact for two and a half years.


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