Is Spirituality a Necessity When You’re Divorcing a Narcissist?
Learn how reliance on a higher power can help you feel more grounded on the battlefield.
This post isn’t about religion, but it IS about spirituality.
Whether it’s faith in a God, the Universe, the power of humanity, or simply the peace of being in nature, many survivors find a higher level of personal peace and grounding when they invest time and emotional energy in their spirituality.
Personal Spirituality While Divorcing a Narcissist
Because the battlefield is so deeply stressful and overwhelming, we recommend that survivors seek any and all pathways to support and deeper peace.
And while practicing spirituality can feel like just another thing on an already never-ending to-do list, here are some simple ways you can begin to practice spirituality while divorcing a narcissist.
Simple Ways to Practice Spirituality While Divorcing a Narcissist
Consider dipping your toes into spiritual practices by:
Practicing a five-minute mindfulness meditation before getting out of bed in the morning
Beginning a gratitude journal
“Surrendering” the issues that cause you the most stress to a higher power, the Universe, or your higher self when you are overwhelmed
Spirituality doesn’t have to mean strict religious orthodoxy or rigorous obedience to any set of standards. It simply means finding meaning beyond what you currently see.
The overwhelm of the battlefield can be so heavy that spirituality can be a saving grace. Please know that if you feel like you’re drowning in your custody battle, you’re not alone.
The fine print: I am not qualified to give you (or anyone) legal advice, I recommend consulting with your attorney. Your attorney is your voice and your advocate in the family court system.
About me: My name is Tina Swithin. I am a survivor and I am a mom who "gets it.” While acting as my own attorney, I successfully protected my children in a system that is best described as “inhumane,” I am a blogger, a divorce coach and a fierce advocate for reform in the family court system. You can read more about me here.