Washington State Family Court Reform
At One Mom’s Battle (OMB), we try to keep our finger on the pulse of legislation around the country. With fifty OMB chapters here in the United States, we often have a front row seat to the horrors taking place in family court houses across the country. For the past few years, Washington has been on our radar as a state that is failing survivors and children.
Instead of moving forward in a positive direction, there are several pieces of legislation in the pipeline that will make things even worse for survivors of domestic abuse. We cannot afford to go backwards further. We must come together and get very loud. We need all hands on deck, if you do not personally live in Washington, please think of who you know in the state whether it be friends, family members or an old college friend. We need people reaching out to their legislators immediately.
Here are some very important infographics detailing the dangers of this bill, from our friends at the Family Violence Appellate Project. Together, we stand in strong opposition to HB 2237:
Next on the agenda is regressive changes being proposed to the protective parenting plan statute. This was substantially weaken protections for survivors. This legislation would allow judges to give abusers (a parent with a history of domestic violence) joint decision making ability. This bill will give judges more discretion which in turn, gives the Family Violence Appellate Project and others, less of a chance to appeal judicial rulings.
Please contact your Washington State Legislators to OPPOSE SB 5205 & HB 2237.
Register to testify or to note your opposition to SB 5205 and HB 2237 by clicking here.
Finally, I would like to end with good news: Kayden’s Law HB 2010 gives us hope. We ask you to submit your SUPPORT for Kayden’s Law, a bill that will move us closer to our goal of family court reform in Washington state. Click here and select, "send a comment on this bill to your legislators."