The Custody Evaluation: Items to Investigate

As many of you know, I was successful in obtaining a new parenting evaluation at our last hearing.   At the hearing, we were each instructed to submit proposed areas of inquiry.  Basically, we were ordered to submit specific items that we would like the Custody Evaluator to focus on.  Obviously, the Commissioner will make the final decision and I am still waiting to hear what he specifies.I received the documents in the mail from my x specifying his areas of concern.  The four page document is chocked full of lies, exaggerations and manipulations.  It cites "PAS" throughout the entire four page document which is the direction that he's been going for two years.  Nothing was incredibly shocking to me because by this point, I expect the lies and his repeated attempts to deflect the spotlight.1. They want my blog looked into heavily.  How does it contribute to "co-parenting"?  How does posting specific details of the Family Law Case contribute to showing Parental Alienation Syndrome? They want to know if my blog posts are done while I have custody of the children.  They want a psychologist to look into the impact my blog has on the emotional health of the children.I didn't expect anything less.  They are upset that I am speaking the truth and want to figure out any angle to quiet me down.  For the most part, my story has been written.  Much of what I do at this point is provide updates on my journey, education and exposure on the topic of Narcissistic Personality Disorder, provide support and spotlight other people in this battle.The emotional damage in this case is significant, I agree with him 100%.  The emotional health of the children is damaged through taping my wedding photo over and calling me T-Rex to the children.  My daughters are not being damaged through my blog.  They don't know about my blog and they won't know about my book.  This is just like the songs that I monitor on the radio or the television shows that they are not allowed to watch due to inappropriate content.If anything, I am overly cautious when it comes to discussing my x with the children.  I would never say anything negative to the girls about their dad- never.2. According to my x, he would like my extensive vacations to five-start resorts investigated.Given the fact that the only two vacations that I can remember since our divorce began involved a 3 night Carnival cruise in 2010 and a weekend house rental over the summer in Palm Springs, I hope no one wastes their time digging too deep on this one.  Anyone who has been on a Carnival Cruise can attest that this was not a luxury vacation ;)  3. Inquiry into whether I have Lupus or Multiple Sclerosis. He even cited a doctor who supposedly diagnosed me with Lupus in 2010.I will gladly turn over all of my medical records.  I am not sure why x has been so obsessed with thinking that I have Lupus and why it would matter anyway. 4. He falsified stories and requests that I be given an MMPI.  He has made allegations about my childhood and written things about other aspects of my life that were completely fabricated and blatant lies.I wouldwelcome the opportunity any day of the week. 5. Wants to know if there is any basis for (me) stating in my blog that he is "sick", "psychopath", "narcissist", "sociopath" or "insane".I won't comment on this one.  6. Wants to know if there is any claims that x is an "alcoholic or is he a normal adult who socially drinks alcohol in moderation".I am going to leave this one alone also.  I go back and forth between wondering if he really believes what he writes and questioning if he just writes random things to continue  to muddy the waters.  After reading all of it, my head now feels muddy.Please "Like" One Mom's Battle on Facebookor Follow me on Twitter @onemomsbattle.comTo Purchase “Tina’s Tips”, click here.[wp_ad_camp_1] 


Building a Foundation on the Truth


The Upcoming Custody Evaluation and Reliving the 2010 Evaluation