The Bizarre Ramblings

Sometimes I have a hard time understanding how my X actually holds himself together in court.  I know where his mind is and it frightens me.  Somehow, he is able to pull it together and "appear" to be a normal, functioning person.It has been so long that we've had any sort of email communication that I forgot how truly bizarre he can be.  Unfortunately, his visitations will begin again this weekend.  10am-4pm Saturday and again on Sunday from 10am-4pm.  The Sunday time conflicts with our church times so I sent an email asking to change the time by one hour.My email:Dear X,  On Sunday mornings, the girls and I attend church from 9:00am until 10:30am.  I propose that we shift the Sunday visitation schedule to 11am-5pm (versus 10am-4pm) which would allow me to bring the girls to the designated pick-up location.  If you'd like to shift Saturday and Sunday to this (11am-5pm) time, I am fine with that to be consistent. -TinaHis response:Tina,  I am not sure about this. Up until you moved in with your new husband, the girls were attending (XYZ Church) in (insert town here) which they greatly enjoyed.  Then you changed to a bible church in (another town) and didn't even tell me.  - The XIt left me feeling like I just entered the Twilight Zone.  My husband?I changed churches?  When did these things happen???For starters, I am not even engaged let alone married.  I have been attending the same church for three years now-- in fact, I've never even been to another church during my entire adult life.  I am left scratching my head.This is a delusional man who the courts feel is competent to be around my children.



Fooling the Masses

