

  1. To persist steadfastly in pursuit of an undertaking, task, journey or mission in spite of distraction, difficulty, obstacles or discouragement.

This week sucked.I won't sugar coat it.I sat in court and listened as my X read a clearly rehearsed statement prepared by his family.  I sat there with my chin held high as my X father-in-law chuckled under his breath while the judge addressed a photo of me that he had taped "as a joke".  It's not a joke.  None of this is a joke.   It's sickening.  The judge bought his sales pitch.  He didn't address the fact that he was driving my children without a valid license and he downplayed the fact that my X hit my daughter.  "Nothing to date warrants supervised visitation" was the answer that I received when I pushed to understand his ruling.  Really?  What DOES it take?  Do I wait for my daughters to be harmed and then they will do something?Today, I received another slap in the face.  A bill from the attorney who was appointed by the court to represent my daughters.  I am not angry with the attorney-- he did his job.  I am angry because he (the attorney) sat next to me in court and recommended the same thing I was asking for: supervised visitation.  What was the point of an attorney who has witnessed first-hand what I am dealing with if the judge didn't plan to listen to his advice?The Susan Powell case has rocked me to my core.  It's my worst nightmare.  A court and a system that was designed to protect two little children failed these little boys.  I will never understand this tragedy.  It was avoidable.  The courts were supposed to act in the best interest of the children and they failed.  They failed miserably.I was knocked down but not for long.  I am a survivor and I will fight for the safety of my children.  Today, I will begin a letter writing campaign and I will bring attention to my case.  I encourage you to do the same.Write to your representatives and demand that the system starts doing what it was designed to do: protect our children.



The Bizarre Ramblings


Today's Court Battle: The Outcome