Ramblings of a Mad Man: Inside the Mind of a Narcissist

Today is Seth's parenting evaluation- he spent yesterday grooming them.  He took them shopping for new beds (they haven't had overnight visits since 2011) and told them how important it was to tell the man (evaluator) how much fun they have with him.  They came home concerned about the possibility of overnight visits.  I told them both that adults are not allowed to tell them what to say-- that is very wrong.  Mommy should never tell them what to say nor should daddy.  I told them that they should speak from their heart and use their voice.On Wednesday the girls will meet with the evaluator alone and then I will meet with him on Thursday.  I have spent much of the weekend preparing for my meeting on Thursday.  I have saved hundreds of messages on my cell phone and it can only be titled as, "The Ramblings of a Mad Man" -- if this evaluator can view these messages and NOT see Seth as insane....I don't know what else to say.As most narcissists do, Seth has a "chosen" child: Piper.  This was a text message that he sent me one night regarding his belief that Piper is a genius:I am reading a book about people who are defined as genius. Piper might be one. Please have her read nightly. I'll send you published papers if you'd like to attest to this. This has nothing to do with me. You are an idiot if you refuse to cultivate Piper or Sarah through extracurricular education. You lack so much...and its because of your upbringing and lack of cultivation. Lacking Culture or a groomed skill. Just looks. So sad.These are just a small sample of text messages (ten) that he sent to his ex-girlfriend after discovering that she wrote a declaration regarding his mental instability:1. The crazy narcissistic woman's request was denied to take my children from me .  ( this is the one with 200 pages of herself online after she cheated on me while we're married).  That narcissist. She's very vindictive, much like you Kasia. How does feeling full of vengeance work for you both I wonder? Stressful? Aging? Negative? All of the above. I wouldn't know because I shun people like you two from my life. Oh yeah, and all your negative bs you wrote to hurt two innocent children and turn the court against me, all your effort to be hateful to a man you said you loved as recently as July was in vain. Hope to see you at the gym soon to laugh at you aloud. Everyone I know here will know what you did factually. That's the truth 2. It's "sent Kasia". As in "That's what he just sent" Learn English properly before you start taking advantage of American men.  I wasted my entire day responding to the lies you gave to my X wife...a woman you never met. You're one vindictive, selfish woman Kasia. Having the ability to affect a Father's lifelong relationship with his children. You should be ashamed of yourself. I am.  Janusz certainly would be. How do you sleep at night?!?3. I wish you well. It's sad you came into my divorce with a commissioner who sees through this.  Justice will prevail. I can't believe you sunk to that level to contact my X wife Kasia. Unbelievable4. Tomorrow Kasia. How you can consciously justify coming between me and my daughters to be vindictive because we once were in love but lost that because Aneta came. We had our own relationship and independence. You have no right to hurt my time with my daughters. Kasia how do you sleep5. You are a terrible human being. Kasia you went 220 miles away to give my X, who you do not even know, you didn't even know her name and then you give her things she can use in my divorce court.6. You have the balls to talk to my X to hurt my daughters ability to have a relationship with their father.   How dare you Kasia.  Karma will treat you.7. I was respectable about you to the guy who thinks you're his girlfriend. You slept around whole you told me you only were with me. Going 220 miles to affect my relationship with my daughters is vindictive, selfish, immature and uncalled for. I was recovering from major losses in my life when I met You in 2009. Loss of my livelihood, loss of a wife, loss of love, loss of a business. Loss of my children. How Dare You Kasia!!!!8. You are a human being that lacks a conscience.  You crossed the line, you don't even know my children or my X.  How dare you9. Let's just let it go Kasia. I really am Sorry! Hope you have a great life and promising career. I really do. 10. How dare you. That's my Mom with my Girls. A woman with integrity who told me you're a waste of my time last year. I hope you can't sleep realizing you've damaged children. Innocent children with your vindictive, " it's a about me" attitude. No wonder you're single. You're destined for a lonely life after endlessly using people for money. (Photo of Cleo attached to message)Most of these messages were sent one after another-- some just minutes apart.  His ex-girlfriend sent me all of his emails, text messages and Facebook communication.  Is this from the mind of a healthy, functioning, 40-year old man?  We will soon see what the court thinks."Like" One Mom's Battle on Facebook or "follow" on Twitter Click the link to purchase Tina's new book, "Divorcing a Narcissist- One Mom's Battle."  You will find insight, red flag reflections and strategies on how to survive (and thrive!) while divorcing of co-parenting with a narcissist. Tired of panicking at the site of a new email from the narcissist in your inbox? Learn how to decode the emails and see them for what they are. You will learn to forgive yourself and you will begin to heal.[wp_ad_camp_1] 


Divorcing a Narcissist: Seth Was Fired...Again


Divorcing a Narcissist: Parenting Evaluation Continues