Divorcing a Narcissist: Parenting Evaluation Continues

I am incredibly thankful that the parenting evaluation is underway because it will allow the court to get to the bottom of the issues and accusations.  This is where my faith comes into play- I have to have faith that things are happening as they are supposed to.  I pray that this evaluator is able to see through the fake image that Seth is so skilled at presenting.  I met with the evaluator  a couple of weeks ago and the appointment lasted almost 2.5 hours.  I was able to express my concerns and then back them up with evidence.  The main difference between the evaluation in 2010 and the current one is that a pattern of behavior has been established - it is indisputable and documented.Last night I had a bit of a pity party also known as a bout of frustration over the entire process.  Because Seth is incompetent as a father, I am going thousands of dollars in debt to pay for someone to evaluate both of us. The entire investigation centers around Seth yet I am forced to pay.  It's just another flaw in the system.  I have taken my daughters to every school function, every single day of school, every medical appointment and every ER visit.  I have nursed every boo-boo, late night fever and bad dream.  Seth has never even set foot on the girls school campus except on one occasion with the sole purpose of  intimidating me by serving me court papers in front of our children.Seth is scheduled for his home visit this weekend and mine was completed this afternoon.  The evaluator will also meet with the girls alone at his office next week.  I have a lot more confidence in this evaluator and the questions that he asked the girls in comparison to the last evaluator.  I have another round of paperwork to prepare before my next interview with him on Thursday.  Maybe it is overly hopeful of me but I do believe that he will see through Seth and his staged home.We are scheduled to go to trial for a two-day review hearing on April 10th and 11th.  Fingers crossed, prayers in progress, pixie dust sprinkled and positive thoughts flowing.###"Like" One Mom's Battle on Facebook or "follow" on Twitter Click the link to purchase Tina's new book, "Divorcing a Narcissist- One Mom's Battle."  You will find insight, red flag reflections and strategies on how to survive (and thrive!) while divorcing of co-parenting with a narcissist. Tired of panicking at the site of a new email from the narcissist in your inbox? Learn how to decode the emails and see them for what they are. You will learn to forgive yourself and you will begin to heal.[wp_ad_camp_1] 


Ramblings of a Mad Man: Inside the Mind of a Narcissist


Divorcing a Narcissist: It is Prey or Pray?