Divorcing a Narcissist: The Magic Genie

by Tina SwithinMy oldest daughter walked out of her therapy session today and said, "Megan (therapist) asked me what I would wish for if a magic Genie granted me one wish. I told her that I would wish for my dad to disappear. I want him out of my life."In my head, I wish for the same thing but obviously, I can't say that to her.

  • We've had 14 months of peace since Seth walked away.

  • The nightmares stopped when he walked away.

  • The potty accidents stopped.

  • The teeth grinding stopped.

  • The fear and chaos stopped.

With one phone call, he's back. My daughter had her first nightmare right after we broke the news. As I went to check on my youngest daughter two nights ago, I heard the sound that I remember so well - she was grinding her teeth in her sleep.I met with Minor's Counsel last week and provided updates on everything that has happened in the past 14-months including a new police report that has emerged (more on that later). Minor's counsel supports my proposal for therapeutic supervision to start the process up. Minor's counsel also gave me approval to share the full custody evaluation with the supervising therapist which will hopefully help her to understand the depths of the abuse.At the end of this month, the girls and I will meet with the therapist who will facilitate the visits which will initially be one hour in length and will eventually move to two hours. He will be able to see the girls on the 1st, 3rd and 5th weekends of the month from 1pm to 3pm. In the meantime, we've increased counseling sessions with their therapist to assist with this transition. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers - my seat belt is fastened as we embark on the latest ride with a madman at the controls.“Like” One Mom’s Battle on Facebook or “follow” on Twitter.Seeking a Private Forum for advice, inspiration and support? Join Tina and the Lemonade Warriors in The Lemonade Club!  For information, please email Tina@onemomsbattle.comSeeking a Divorce Coach for your high-conflict divorce and custody battle? Tina Swithin will help you to establish boundaries and regain your power. Contact Tina Swithin at Tina Swithin, LLCSeeking insight, encouragement and advice while divorcing a narcissist? Tina Swithin’s books, Divorcing a Narcissist: One Mom’s Battle” and her new book "Divorcing a Narcissist: Advice from the Battlefield" are available on Amazon or through Barnes & Noble. Learn how to set boundaries, navigate your way through the divorce and see the narcissist for who he/she really is. You will learn to forgive yourself and you will begin to heal.[wp_ad_camp_1]   


Turning 40 and Adjusting My Sails


Divorcing a Narcissist: Seth is Back (Part 2- Narc Decoder)