A New Chapter in my Life

A new chapter in my life began this morning.  Many of you who are Facebook fans already know my exciting news.The past few years have been nothing short of a roller coaster.  Despite all that has gone on, I have learned what it means to be in love with my best friend.  I don't believe in accidents.  I believe that this person was put in my life at the most opportune time-- when I was able to appreciate him completely.Three years ago (June 8, 2009) today, I went on a coffee date at a little place called, "The Porch" in Santa Margarita, California.  In celebration of our three year anniversary, he invited me to have coffee with him today at that very same place.  We ordered coffee as usual and then he led me to the back porch area.  As I rounded the corner, I saw three things: A table with a white table cloth, a dozen red roses and a guitar.  I instantly knew what was happening but it felt completely surreal.He sat on a stool and picked up his guitar-- he proceeded to play, "Marry Me" by Train and added personal lyrics along the way.  Aside from the birth of my daughters, this was honestly the happiest moment of my life.  He got down on one knee and asked me to marry him.  Of course, I said, "YES!".I believe that the age-old saying is true, the right person will come along when you aren't looking.  I can't begin to describe how happy I feel today- I am at a loss for words.  To think that I will spend the rest of my life with this amazing man puts a permanent smile on my face.


The Narcissistic Manipulation


Divorcing A Narcissist: Attack of the Narcissist