Divorcing a Narcissist with Tina Swithin


Best Selling Author:

"2nd best divorce book of all time" -Book Authority

 One Mom's Battle is Proud to be a member of the NSPC

We are a national coalition of more than 100,000 survivor parents and concerned citizens in the United States advocating for evidence-based policies which put child safety and risks at the forefront of child custody decisions.

The mission at One Mom’s Battle is to raise awareness and educate family court professionals on post separation abuse as it relates to co-parenting and the family court system (divorce, paternity and child custody battles). Education on high-conflict individuals and post separation abuse will allow family court professionals (Judges, Commissioners, Magistrates, CPS workers, Guardian ad Litems (GAL), Parenting Coordinators (PC), Custody Evaluators, therapists and attorneys) to recognize the abusive dynamics that play out in the family court system so they can make decisions that are in the best interest of children.

Please note: Tina Swithin is not an attorney nor is she qualified to give legal advice. Tina Swithin not a therapist nor is she qualified to give mental health advice but, we have many wonderful attorneys and therapists to refer you to. You can find them in our database: Friends of OMB.


In 2009, One Mom’s Battle (OMB) began with one mother, Tina Swithin, navigating a high-conflict divorce in the California Family Court System while in pro per. When Tina named her blog, “One Mom’s Battle,” she truly felt alone and isolated in her journey. After going public with her story in 2011, Tina quickly realized that she was not alone, and that narcissistic abuse affects both men and women. Tina champions children’s rights - versus mother’s rights or father’s rights. Tina has now dedicated her life to raising awareness on narcissistic personality disorder and its impact on victims and, on the family court system. 


What is:

Post Separation Abuse

“You no longer need to go through the ordeal of divorcing a narcissist alone…

Through this battle, Tina Swithin is a beacon of clarity. You will realize that you are not alone, you are not crazy, and someday you will start to whisper “thank you” to the darkness… thank you to the pain, the fear the struggle even thank you to the narcissist ….because in the darkness you will find light you never knew you had inside your heart, strength you never imagined.”


— Christie Brinkley
Actress and Supermodel



Tina Swithin, author, has written four books on the topic of "Divorcing A Narcissist" which range from topics like communication strategies to advice from those on the battlefield of family court. She also published a children's book called, Lemonade Life.


The Lemonade Club is a private forum with an application and a screening process which ensures that the group remains a safe environment. There is a monthly subscription fee of $25 and membership can be cancelled at any time.


Tina Swithin offers online courses that are designed to educate and empower those who are fighting to protect their children while navigating the Family Court System. Learn with us & grow with us! All courses are conducted by Tina Swithin.