Today's Court Date: The Outcome

What I do know:The Family Court System needs to change.My daughters' attorney agreed that my X is dishonest and can't follow orders.  My X's new attorney tried to defend his lies and was stopped by the judge.  He then realized that he was arguing against the judge and regressed stating that X wasn't really lying, he was just "saying what the court wanted to hear".  He then said that if the court did wish to continue supervised visitations that he recommends it be for a period of time (I believe three months was mentioned) and that maybe we could reevaluate after that.The judge came down hard throughout the entire hearing and basically said he was a liar who had lost all credibility in the court.  He acknowledged that the evidence suggests he was lying about attending church and even referenced his previous lie about where the children were residing on his visit.Then, the commissioner reinstated his visitation.Unsupervised.10am to 4pm Saturdays and Sundays- the 1st, 3rd and 5th weekend of each month.I couldn't believe what I was hearing.  What is wrong with this system?  This is a sick, evil, twisted man and you just put my little girls back in his care because he hired a big attorney to fight his battle.  I still can't believe what happened today.After court, I realized that 10am to 4pm on Sundays won't work.  We have church from 9am to 10:30am and more than anything, my daughters need stability.  I called his attorney who agreed to call his client and ask to change the order slightly.  We went back and forth over a total of four phone calls (attorney mediating) until I finally unleashed on him (the attorney) and basically said everything that I wasn't able to say to the judge.  He called back and said "my client conceded and is willing to change the order to accommodate your church schedule".We are currently preparing subpoenas for full financial disclosure and a request for attorney fees.Please help me to spread the word: The Family Court System needs to change and you can help by signing my petition: Click Here .Find me on Facebook at: One Mom’s Battle[wp_ad_camp_1] 


Open Letter to the Family Court System


In Pro Se Against A Big Attorney