Tackling His Alcohol Problems

The one positive thing about my X having an attorney is that he is "muzzled" a bit.  The crazy has subsided for the most part as I am sure he is under strict orders to maintain a facade of normalcy.In court, my X admitted that he has a problem with alcohol and he is facing those issues head-on by attending the required classes.  By admitting that he is aware of the problem and is working to fix it, he scored a few brownie points with the Commissioner.Was I the only one in the courtroom that latched onto the key word, "Required".  The classes are required if you have a DUI or Wet & Reckless.  In 2010, it was noted that he took 15 Alcoholics Anonymous classes due to a "Drunk in Public" charge.  If he was charged with a DUI in 2011, it doesn't seem like he learned anything from those classes.  Feel free to call me skeptical....As I type, I am sitting in a coffee shop and a mutual acquaintance wandered over to "gossip" that he saw my X in a local bar a week ago.  This isn't just any bar- this is the local tavern that wreaks of urine and Jack Daniels.  This is the tavern that the real pros frequent.  There were several "X sightings" over the past week and all involved bars.  I am glad to see that he is taking the bull by the horns and owning this alcohol issue.  Can you tell I am a bit annoyed by the performance in court?My other vent for the week: the phone calls.  The court order states that he can call at 6:30pm every other day.  There are some occasions (usually near a court date) that he is very regular and other times when we will go a week without hearing from him.  On Sunday afternoon, the girls were watching a movie and I was enjoying a somewhat relaxing afternoon.  My phone rang at 3:30pm and it was my X.  I ignored the call.  Monday afternoon, my phone rang again at 3:30pm.  I ignored it.  It rang again at 3:35pm.  I ignored it.  He called again at 4pm and thinking that this surely must be an emergency, I answered the call.Me: Hello?X: I am calling to talk to my daughters.Me: This is not your call time.  Your call time is 6:30pm.  (They were in gymnastics at the time).X: I CALLED YOU AT 6:30, 6:45 AND NOW 7PM.  PUT MY DAUGHTERS ON THE PHONE NOW, TINA! I WANT TO TALK TO MY DAUGHTERS.  You need to STOP doing this.Me: It is 4pm- I have no idea what you are talking about?X: (silence)....Oh....um....okay.  My alarm is set on East Coast time.  I will call back later.###Speechless.Click here for resources for NPD[wp_ad_camp_1]


Co Parenting with a Narcissist


Reflections: Criticism and Feeling Vulnerable