Mr. OMB - A Message of Hope

by Mr. OMB (Tina's Husband)Hope.As a warrior of OMB, I have faced each challenge with Faith and Love as a breastplate, and Hope as a helmet. Today, I would like to offer you my helmet.Hope is something I can offer without hesitation. I don’t worry that I have enough knowledge, experience, or understanding of your individual circumstances to write about it, to offer it, to give it.My experience with hope tells me that hope is a magnifier and a reducer. It strengthens your work. It takes your efforts, your steps, your expended energy, and gives them a boost. It helps bring you closer to your goal. Hope, in the face of despair or defeat, gives you something to hold onto. It reduces the devastation of the setbacks.It protects your head. It gets you through.There may be a time when it is all you have left. Losing hope? Look around you. It’ll turn up. Still can’tfind it? Hang on! You never know who, or what, will bring it to you.No doubt, this is a tough time of the year emotionally, financially, spiritually. It can also bring the mosthope. Remember the reason for the season…? Hope is in there somewhere, trust me. While it soundslike religion, I think hope is universally foundational regardless of belief. Faith, Love, Pixie Dust, and Hope.For me, hope is intertwined with my beliefs. So, my prayer of hope is for you and your children.Please understand that my prayer includes peace and enlightenment for all involved in the turmoil thatfills these pages.Hope for everyone? Why not. We all have the ability to give hope to someone else. I am told that mystory, and Elationship with Tina (Typing along, I looked up to see “Elationship” instead of “relationship”.Typo or God nudge? I have no idea how it got a capital E) please excuse me while I freak out…Ok, I’m back. Where was I? Oh yeah, I have been told that our Elationship gives others hope. I am surethat we are not unique in this ability. Tina’s story gives hope because she has been there, done that, andsurvived. You have survived something that someone else is facing. You have survived years of abuse, asudden attack, abandonment, mental manipulation, an abusive assault, an hour, a day, a week, a year, or moreaway from your children. You have endured pain and loss. You have gotten free, fought to protect thoseyou love. You have had moments of clarity. You have found yourself, peace, balance, and love. In doingso, you give others hope regardless of where either of you are in your journeys.Every battle, challenge, month, day, year, second you survive, you show others that it can be done. Yougive them the helmet of hope. ###One Mom's Battle: Our mission at One Mom’s Battle is to increase awareness of Cluster B personality disorders (Narcissistic Personality Disorder, Antisocial Personality Disorder and Borderline Personality Disorder) and their impact upon shared parenting and the Family Court System which includes Judges, CPS workers, Guardian ad Litems (GAL), Parenting Coordinators (PC), Custody Evaluators, therapists and attorneys. Education on Cluster B disorders will allow these professionals to truly act in the best interest of the children.History of One Mom's Battle: In 2009, One Mom’s Battle began with one mother, (Tina Swithin), navigating the choppy waters of a high-conflict divorce in the Family Court System. Since then, it has turned into a grassroots movement reaching the far corners of the Earth. Tina's battle spanned from 2009 - 2014 during which time she acted as her own attorney. Ultimately, Tina was successful in protecting her daughters and her family has enjoyed complete peace since October 2014 when a Family Court commissioner called her ex-husband a "sociopath" and revoked his parenting time in a final custody order.Tina Swithin: Tina Swithin's books are available online at Amazon (print, Kindle or audio format). Each year, Tina offers life-changing weekends of camaraderie and healing at the Lemonade Power Retreat.  Tina also offers one-on-one coaching services and a private, secure forum called, The Lemonade Club, for those enduring high-conflict custody battles. [wp_ad_camp_1]


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