Meeting Christie Brinkley

The past 24 hours has been a whirlwind of fun and excitement.  Glenn and I left for Hollywood early Thursday morning and were able to enjoy a one day getaway which doesn't happen very often in our world.  We were bound for the historic and amazing Pantages Theatre to see the Broadway musical, "Chicago" starring Christie Brinkley.A few weeks ago, I was contacted by Ms. Brinkley's personal assistant who informed me that Christie wanted to give me tickets to see her perform at the Pantages.  Helloooooooooo, Hollywood!  I'm not sure where you are in the world but it is quite possible that you heard me screaming with excitement.  The emails that followed were even more exciting as I was given instructions on how to access the stage door and that my name would be on the list for entry backstage after the show.  I was going to meet Christie Brinkley.  THE Christie Brinkley.We arrived at the Pantages yesterday to discover that our seats could be categorized as nothing short of phenomenal.  The seats were front and center-- sixth row!  Pinch me now.  The show was fantastic and I only hope that I have that much energy at 58 years old.  Her performance, her voice and the dancing-- top notch.  You could feel the energy in the air as she truly loves what she is doing.  After the end of the performance, Glenn and I looked at each other realized that the time had come-- we were going to meet Christie!  I almost had to pinch myself again!We walked to the backstage area and there were two names on the list.  My name and one other woman who knew Christie growing up as a child in Los Angeles.  Christie came out and was even more beautiful in person than she is on television or on stage.  Glenn described her as "angelic" and that is a pretty accurate description.  I stuck my hand out and said, "Hi-- I am Tina Swithin and I write the blog, 'One Mom's Battle'".  Her eyes lit up and she explained that she found my blog and immediately thought, "Someone gets it" and she went on to say, "It was a light in the darkness.  Thank you for writing as you are helping soooo many women".  To be perfectly honest, the entire experience was surreal and I don't remember specific details.  Everything happened very quickly and I was left with several thoughts about the experience.

  • A person's inner beauty is what truly shines through.  Christie is drop-dead gorgeous but that doesn't only pertain to her outward appearance.  She absolutely glows from the inside out.  I didn't feel like I was talking to a Hollywood star but instead a person overflowing with kindness and gratitude.

  • Narcissism does not discriminate.  It can affect the old and the young, the rich or the poor and everyone in between.  While we are worlds apart we also share a bond.  Two women deeply affected by Narcissism and the court's inability to act appropriately when it comes to this disorder.  It showed me that even with a diagnosed Narcissist (Peter Cook) and the financial means to hire legal counsel, the battle is still daunting no matter who you are.

Yesterday was an experience for the memory books and one that I will never forget.  Thank you, Ms. Christie Brinkley for an amazing adventure![wp_ad_camp_1]  


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