Living In Fear and Releasing the Worry

Worrying does not empty tomorrow if its troubles.  It empties today of it's strength. -Mary Engelbreit.  Well said, Mary!At church on Sunday, one of my favorite pastors prayed with me after service and gave me a scripture which he said should be my personal prayer. Philippians 4:6 Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.  I think that no matter what your spiritual beliefs are, it applies to you.  Basically, worrying does not change anything.  Nothing has ever been accomplished by worrying.  Turn your fears over to your higher power or simply write them down on paper and toss them into the trash.  Be thankful for what you do have and trust that everything is happening for a reason.  Be clear in what you want and need and request it.I have another court date on Wednesday.  For me, I want the truth to be present in court on Wednesday and that the Commissioner will take the time to see through the fluff and lies.In the past few years, I have questioned why these things were happening to me and to my daughters.  I could not understand what I did to deserve the personal hell in which I was living.  Sleeping with a hammer and the constant fear for my daughters safety were almost too much to bear.  Now I feel like I have some clarity.  Being that my strong suite is marketing and public relations, I see that my calling is to reach out and make changes to our court system.My personal mission is to bring awareness to high-conflict personalities, narcissism and anti social personality disorders and specifically, how these disorders play out in custody battles or divorces in general.  I hope to reach out to victims of these disorders and let them know that they are not alone- they are not crazy and that they will not only survive but that they can flourish.  You can choose to be a victim or you can choose to flourish.Goal for today: release my worries, pray and be thankful for how far I have come in this battle.*** Need resources for NPD or a high-conflict divorce?  Click here.[wp_ad_camp_1]


In Pro Se Against A Big Attorney


Slumber Party Talk