
Empty.Drained.That is how I feel.Two court dates within three days is too much for anyone.  I came home this afternoon and slept for an hour-- one of those deep sleeps where you don't even know your name or who you are upon waking.I sat in court from 8am until 11:30am when our case was finally called.  The Judge puts our case off until the very end because it always takes longer than the "normal" cases in front of us.Today's court date was focused on child support.  I was prepared and had done a bit of research.  I was ready to throw out a couple of unexpected "facts" that I knew without giving him time to prepare.  He has a new strategy to deal with court-- he doesn't show up-- he calls in.  Even the best liars don't do well in a court of law when the judge sees through them.  He finds some comfort in the security of a phone and creating that distance between himself, the judge and the courtroom.He was the one to set the hearing and his goal was to drop his support while he found a job.In school, math was my worst subject and I've been trying to solve a particular math problem to no avail:"X" only worked for two of the past eight months and paid less than $1,500 in child support during that time.During the unemployment, he's managed to spend $16k on rent ($2 thousand per month) and purchase a brand new car which cost between 17 and 20 K.  The money listed on his expense declaration in June of 2011 showed that he had $7k in his bank account and the current expense declaration showed less than 1k in his bank account.Something doesn't add up here.The judge agreed that I had a good point and asked him to explain.His answer: "my mom and my roommate cover my expenses".The judge's response: "So, your mom and your roommate are running around paying your rent and buying you cars to keep you in this luxury lifestyle yet no one is paying your child support for you?".Silence and then more talking in circles which is what he does when he's caught lying.He claims to have a job then backtracks a bit.  He claims to have a job "offer" and a start date of February 15, 2012.  He stated the name of the company, the address and the salary he will be making which will allow Child Support Services to promptly serve his employer with wage assignment paperwork.The problem: unless I hire a private investigator to get to the bottom of these issues, it's my word against his.  I know that his mom is not covering his expenses and I find it bizarre (at best) that his roommate would be.As I said to the judge, "I will believe it when I see it".###One Mom's Battle: Our mission at One Mom’s Battle is to increase awareness of Cluster B personality disorders (Narcissistic Personality Disorder, Antisocial Personality Disorder and Borderline Personality Disorder) and their impact upon shared parenting and the Family Court System which includes Judges, CPS workers, Guardian ad Litems (GAL), Parenting Coordinators (PC), Custody Evaluators, therapists and attorneys. Education on Cluster B disorders will allow these professionals to truly act in the best interest of the children.History of One Mom's Battle: In 2009, One Mom’s Battle began with one mother, (Tina Swithin), navigating the choppy waters of a high-conflict divorce in the Family Court System. Since then, it has turned into a grassroots movement reaching the far corners of the Earth. Tina's battle spanned from 2009 - 2014 during which time she acted as her own attorney. Ultimately, Tina was successful in protecting her daughters and her family has enjoyed complete peace since October 2014 when a Family Court commissioner called her ex-husband a "sociopath" and revoked his parenting time in a final custody order.Tina Swithin: Divorcing a narcissist? Tina Swithin's books are available online at Amazon (print, Kindle or audio format). Each year, Tina offers life-changing weekends of camaraderie and healing at the Lemonade Power Retreat.  Tina also offers one-on-one coaching services and a private, secure forum called, The Lemonade Club, for those enduring high-conflict custody battles. [wp_ad_camp_1] 


A Little Pep Talk


Home Away from Home: Court