Divorcing a Narcissist: Your Life Should be a Lifetime Movie...

by Tina SwithinI have heard the same phrase repeated year after year, "You can't make this stuff up- it could be a Lifetime movie!"Yes.It could be a movie.About two weeks ago, I received an email from a woman in Southern California who heard my battle cry. She has the same battle cry and recently stumbled upon my blog. I receive emails daily from people all over the world and sadly, we all have the same story. There are slight variations but its the same story:Narcissistic Ex + uneducated Family Court System = Welcome to hell on Earth.This email was different because the writer is actually a writer. She is a television writer in Los Angeles!!!!Four days later, she drove all the way up from Los Angeles to meet with me. I love connecting with others who "get it" - I didn't need to explain my story because she was living my story. There is a connection that those of us at OMB share and its impossible to find anywhere else. It's a connection that you can feel deep in your soul.To make a long story short, I am now holding a shopping agreement in my hands. My new OMB friend will be pitching my story in hopes of turning it into a 2-hour movie!!!!!! I am beyond thrilled at the potential reach that this could have in terms of the general public, those in the court system and young adults who are in the dating world. Everyone needs to be educated on Narcissistic Personality Disorder and the foundation is being laid for that to happen!Tina

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!Seeking insight, encouragement and advice while divorcing a narcissist? Tina Swithin’s book,

Divorcing a Narcissist- One Mom’s Battle

” is available on Amazon or through Barnes & Noble. Learn how to set boundaries and see the narcissist for who he/she really is. You will learn to forgive yourself and you will begin to heal.


Narcissistic Personality Disorder in the Family Court System


Accepting the Narcissist and Choosing Your Battles