Divorcing a Narcissist: Heading Out for a Little R & R

Before diving into my blog, I need to make a plea for anonymousinsf80@gmail.com to contact me or to check your inbox.  There is a group effort in place which focuses on the subjects that you emailed me about (relating to my X) a few months ago.  Your help is greatly appreciated.Rest and relaxation....what is that? Well, I am about to find out!I am signing out for a few days while I take a 3 day adventure with my family.  I am very much in need of a few days of poolside relaxation while enjoying the company of the people whom I love with every ounce of my being.  I was trying to remember when my last "escape" was and I honestly can't remember! My family has rented a home for the weekend and the girls, "my rock" and I are so excited.I hope to come back relaxed, refreshed and ready to tackle my book.  I received some exciting news last night (more on that later) BUT the bottom line is that come December of this year, I will be featured in an outlet which will reach over 75,000 people each day in more than 150 countries.  In addition, my information will be broadcast to a community network of over 20,000,000 people worldwide.  You read the zeros right- 20,000, 000!!!  I am left feeling speechless.  I am usually fairy skilled at expressing my gratitude but this one is a bit overwhelming.  My goal is to finish my book by December 1st which will coincide with the above-mentioned timeline.  Sometimes, life works in miraculous ways.Thank you to each and everyone of you for sharing your stories with me-- the trials and tribulations of this rocky path are hard for anyone on the outside to understand.  In the words of Christie Brinkley, who echos what we all strive for, "I just want peace".  That is what I hope to find this weekend.   Cheers!  Tina 


Divorcing a Narcissist: Being Grateful, Feeling Overwhelmed and Finding Peace


Divorcing a Narcissist: He Takes the Cake