Divorcing a Narcissist: Guest Blog by Tina's Aunt Bev

This is a Guest Blog post by Tina's Aunt Bev:For most of you (the exceptions--you know who you are) who read this blog, know what a true hero Tina is.Hero, by definition, has many meanings.  I think the meaning that fits Tina the most is:  someone with extreme devotion, who, in the face of danger and adversity, displays courage and the will for self-sacrifice for some greater good of all humanity.I am Tina's aunt (AKA Auntie Bev)--and I feel, her biggest fan.  I have been with Tina through all of her life's journeys.  I have supported her through all of them--except her blog.  I have been against it from the very onset.  I have only read bits and pieces.  I don't need to read Tina's blog posts--I know them because I have lived them with her.  Living through them the first time is tough, reliving them again is even tougher.I have been against the blog because I, selfishly, have not wanted Tina to put herself in danger for "the good of all humanity."  I love her more than words can express--so my fears about this blog selfishly outweighed all else to me.  But Tina is not selfish.  She is a true hero.  She not only is an extremely devoted parent to her daughters, she is extremely devoted to all of your children too.  I get it now--hero...Tina.  I understand her passion to help everyone who is going through the same situation with their children.  Tina has told me many times--while trying to explain to me why she is doing the blog--that she has felt so alone in this process.  She has been so disappointed in our legal system.  She doesn't want anyone to feel so alone or without direction if there is an option.  Tina is that option for so many of you.  She has devoted her precious and little "extra" time to all of you for that purpose.My purpose of writing today is to two-fold--One, to finally give my full support to Tina in regards to this blog.  I get it.  There are lots of other children and moms out there who need her.  Amazing moms from what I have read--and beautiful children who deserve better.  No lawyer or court-appointed advocate can help you like Tina can--because she cares.  No degree or credential has more power than love.  Our history of true heroes and heroines will support my statement.  Most were ordinary people who had little training but lots of love and courage.  And Tina--she is overflowing with love and courage for all of you and your kids.   Which brings me to my second reason for writing today--to ask you to help Tina as she has helped you.  The single-most helpful thing with Tina's battle right now would be for her to get the court to order a psychiatric evaluation for Tina and her ex.  Unfortunately, she would have to pay for that and, with the lack of child support she can not afford it.So--if you feel Tina has helped you, now is the time to help her.  I know that she has a PayPal account--so as simple as an email to tina.swithin@gmail.com through PayPal you can help her to achieve her goal of getting the evaluation ordered and completed.  She would never ask for herself--so I am asking for her.[wp_ad_camp_1] Please help if you can....let's help Tina continue her battle for her kids and yours.


Divorcing a Narcissist: Non Payment of Child Support (Again)


Divorcing a Narcissist: Unsupervised Visits Reinstated (again)