Child Custody: Six Month Review Hearing

On September 14, 2011, I sat with tears streaming down my face as the Commissioner handed down the verdict: he awarded me sole legal and physical custody and my X was stripped of his overnight visitation.  At that point, he set a 6 month review hearing.  That hearing is on Wednesday, March 7, 2012.  Two days away.Over the past six months, there have been a total of ten weekend visits.  Of the ten scheduled visits, there have been:

  • Two complete weekend visits (4 days total) where he was a no-show with no phone call or email notification.

  • Two weekends where he was either 45 minutes late for pick up or to drop off the girls.

  • A DUI offense.

  • One weekend where I cancelled his visitation due to his failure to comply with the court orders.

  • One weekend where he hit my daughter-- the first time she has ever been hit in her life.

  • Several weekends of calling me names in front of the children and several weekends of a photo of me being kept on his fireplace mantel taped over for my daughters to see.

  • And then there was the most recent incident where he completely traumatized my daughters in a church parking lot resulting in the Commissioner stripping him of his visitation rights again.

Last Friday, I received another one of his bizarre, rambling emails where everything is my fault.  He is the victim.  He takes no ownership for any of his mistakes.  He takes no ownership for what he is doing to the girls.  As much as I learn about narcissism, it is still hard to swallow and harder to understand.I finished the paperwork for my case on Friday.  Now I sit and prepare for court on Wednesday.  Battle gear on.I am asking for a psychiatric evaluation and professionally supervised visits in a public place pending the evaluation.



The Outcome: Supervised Visitation


Feeling Re-Fueled- Today's Court Date