A Small Town and an Insane Divorce

I have the lyrics to John Mellencamp's "Small Town" running through my head right now.   Welcome to my town where everyone has 2.5 children and a happy golden retriever standing guard at the white picket fence.This morning I threw on my very best sweatpants (insert giggle here) and headed in for my month IVig treatment which is my personal weapon against Multiple Sclerosis.  After being on this treatment for about 5 years, I don't put a lot of effort into looking good for my nurses because I usually end up feeling pretty crappy and could give a rats arse about my appearance.  On my treatment days, I am lucky if I brush my hair and I usually avoid going into coffee shops or grocery stores where there is any chance of people seeing me.  My one stop today involved picking up my daughters from their gymnastics camp and I was sure I could duck in and out without being seen.  Wrong.As I was walking into the gym, I saw an acquaintance from the community  who said, "Tina, can I talk to you for a minute?".  I knew what was coming before the words even left her mouth.  I had just received the paperwork moments before from my X and his new attorney.  Basically, he went to church on Easter Sunday and cornered her husband into writing a declaration about my X's attendance at church.  The declaration was very vague but he was manipulated into verifying that my X attends my church.  I could see it in her face- she felt horrible and didn't realize the damage that had been done.  We talked for a bit about the situation and she took down my contact information.  I found myself in the same position once again, how do you describe three nightmarish years of insanity in a 15-minute conversation without appearing insane yourself?  It didn't help that I was dressed like a bag lady and had an IV bandage on my right hand.  I must have looked shaken up because she got out of the car and hugged me.While I love living in a small town, I hate that the really nice people in my little town keep getting dragged into my insane world and manipulated by him just like I once was.



Slumber Party Talk


One Mom's Battle has Many Faces